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Sundays at Hope Hall

10.30 - 11.30 - lord’s supper


As a church we gather together to remember the Lord Jesus Christ every Sunday. We share bread and wine in accordance with the request of the Lord Jesus Christ and subsequent instruction of 1 Corinthians 11:17-34. 

There is no fixed format to the service although we usually sing, pray and read the Bible before and after we share the bread and wine. The central purpose of the service is the remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Lord's supper. 

Participation in the Lord's supper at Hope Hall is for Christians in our church and those who join with us in order to remember their Lord.

Following the Lord's Supper there is a time of bible teaching from 11.45 to 12.15.


17.30 - 18.00 - Gospel MESSAGE

At Hope Hall we love the Bible. If you visit us you will soon realise that the Bible is central to what we are and do as a Church.

The Bible begins and ends with God. It is His book and introduces us to His Son, Jesus Christ. He is unique, the most talked about, famous, influential and important man to have ever lived. John's Gospel is expressly written "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name" (John 20:31). 

Join us as we spend time each Sunday afternoon hearing about the bold statements made by Jesus Christ and the signs which he did to demonstrate that he was the Christ, the Son of God. Why not take the time to consider His claims and the work He accomplished at Calvary? This is the essence of the Gospel of the Bible.

The Sunday afternoon service format is quite different from the Lord's Supper. The study is introduced and conducted by a man who will stand and address the audience. We will have a few hymns for congregational singing followed by a prayer and then at 17.30 there will be a short Gospel talk of 15 mins.. We like to stay around for a while and sometimes have tea/coffee and chat after the service.